Religious and Christian Comments and Graphics for MySpace, Tagged, Facebook
Comments and Graphics - Layouts - Photobucket

Angels and God

divine love

About Me

I currently live in Ponce, PR, for approximately twenty years. But I am originally form Brooklyn NY. I have a BA in Criminology and MS Criminal Justice. I come from a dysfunctional home, my parents are divorced.. My dad in dead for 13 yrs. I am a relationship for over ten years
Name LaVelle Figueroa
Gender Female
Age 33
Location New York, NY
Ethnicity Hispanic
Interested in Men
Status In a relationship
Interests blogging, journalizing, chatting, etc
Music all types
Movies all types except horror movies
TV all types

Contact Me

IM lavellefigueroa, lavellefigueroa4216,
Phone 7872846778, 7872082669


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Winks 0
Comments 0
Page views 1,915
Posts 0
Group Member
Registered Nov 4, 2010
Last update Nov 4, 2010


Graphics 1

Web Skills

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Photoshop, Windows
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